
Angela Chen (she/her) is a Taiwanese-American artist and educator, currently based in Houston, TX, on the ancestral land of the Karankawa, Coahuiltecan, Atakapa-Ishak, and Sana peoples.


︎ angela@angelachen.info
︎ @dan.yeongki

Our Emotions: Futurelink Reading/Writing Workbook (2019)

Taking the form of a photocopied school workbook about character analysis, Our Emotions: Futurelink Reading/Writing Workbook includes diaristic text I wrote during the mortgage crisis, archival photographs of my parents’ tutoring center in 2000, when a structural beam broke and the roof collapsed, and photographs I took in 2017, when we were packing up and closing the center, unable to continue operating due to increasing rent.

19 images
37 pages
8.5”x11” Xerox staple-bound book