
Angela Chen (she/her) is a Taiwanese-American artist and educator, currently based in Houston, TX, on the ancestral land of the Karankawa, Coahuiltecan, Atakapa-Ishak, and Sana peoples.


︎ angela@angelachen.info
︎ @dan.yeongki

Dad’s Taiwan Apartment Post-Dengue / I have been preparing for self-isolation my whole life (2020)

i have been preparing for self-isolation my whole life

while packing

carefully-folded laundry

too compact
travel bag

my dad comes into my room
and hands me an N95 mask

in its previously-opened
rigid clamshell it looks

from his SARS days

he says
will it be ok

i ask him
do you need me

to stick around
is there a plan

for if you get sick
he says no

it’s no different than
before this

standing in the doorway now
he tells me

when a cold developed later
even our old family friend

the general practitioner
wouldn’t see him

can you imagine

how angry i was
but i did not need a doctor

i have been preparing

for self-isolation
my whole life


characteristics previously described
as “pathologies”

are survival mechanisms
i’m sure of it

when i wake up
in the morning

night crusted over

actually i’m not sure
if i’m doing well

not sure if i was
well before this

i catch the small slip
as it falls

soundlessly out
the smooth packaging

the informational insert
the fine print

from ao safety
circa copyright 2001

tuck it back inside
then close shut

take the mask and
bend the metal clip

over the bridge
of my nose

lower and flatter
than his

pull taut the rubber straps
secured with staples

tight bands
once bright yellow

banana or i can’t believe
it’s not butter


now a brittle

he’s kept it
so long

almost all that anyone
needs to know

about my dad
in this object from 2003

brought back from taiwan
in his suitcase

or bag or
did he wear it

over the pacific
ocean of accumulated breath

sealed up wet
where edges indent cheeks

after the SARS outbreak

he went back to taiwan

on our way to the airport
was i nervous or

or scared

numb or

we might have waved
goodbye at the gate

i don’t remember

can’t remember much
except that i didn’t think

to ask why
do you have to leave